00:26:57 BB: Here is the handout: https://o365coloradoedu-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/reba9075_colorado_edu/Efgv6Ti5AlVDqb58SwyiVkoBtMmf_1o4RRGj0M-MQrcdJw?e=odqFZp 00:29:53 RC: ^ Handout for those who just joined Responses to "Why do projects fail?" 00:34:53 RC: lack of communication 00:34:53 IP: too high expectations 00:34:55 AK: expectations not communicated well therefore not met 00:34:55 NI: Time management 00:34:56 AP: disorganization 00:34:56 CA: poor communication 00:34:58 JU: no specific deadlines 00:34:58 LS: overpromised/overconfident at outset 00:34:59 CH: Unrealistic expectations 00:34:59 HB: To many things going on at once 00:35:00 AM: resources 00:35:01 LH: lack of clear goals 00:35:01 CH: project creep 00:35:01 JU: no accountability 00:35:01 JV: Lack of accountability 00:35:02 BS: unclear end point and deliverables 00:35:05 CA: mission creep 00:35:05 KV: disorganized process 00:35:08 TS: ambigious requirements 00:35:08 CM Hesed: unclear goals 00:35:09 MD: Mismatched expectations 00:35:11 CH: Scope creep 00:35:12 JR: Lack of resources 00:35:13 MP: The ones involved in planning do not know what it takes to execute 00:35:14 FZ: scope creep 00:35:14 SW: Inadequate planning 00:35:24 KH: Poor planning, scope creep, overly optimistic 00:35:34 CA: under resourced 00:35:40 MS: creep -> hidden problems In response to what is the difference between a stakeholder and key stakeholder? 00:43:26 BS: key stakeholder pays the bills 00:43:28 AP: active participation 00:43:36 HB: key stakeholder is someone who can help the project move ahead or totally stall 00:43:36 CM: key stakeholders will be directly impacted 00:43:43 KH: key stakeholder has final decision making authority 00:43:48 JU: key stakeholder may have the power to decide on action 00:44:54 IP: can you type it in the chat? 00:45:08 Lauren Harris: DANCE - acronymn for Decision; Authority; Need; Connection; Energy 00:45:11 AS: o Decision, Authority, Need, Connection, Energy (DANCE) 00:45:50 HB: What to do if you can't get hold of your key stakeholders? Words that mean FEAST activity 00:50:40 BS: do phrases count> 00:57:43 HB: 0 00:57:45 TA: 0 points 00:57:46 LK: 0 00:57:46 AP: 0 00:57:47 BS: 0 00:57:47 JB: 0 00:57:47 SW: ZERO 00:57:49 KB: 0 00:57:49 KV: 0 00:57:52 MM: Nada 00:57:53 AM: 0 00:57:53 MP: 0 00:57:54 NH: 1! 00:57:59 NH: we got 1!! 00:58:00 KH: 0 00:58:04 KH: What was the 1 word!?! 00:58:06 TM: what was the one?? 00:58:17 JR: eat 00:58:46 AM: how many people were in the "winning" breakout room? 00:59:40 NH: There were 5 of us I think 01:01:35 BB: Open ended questions first, who, what, when, where, how, why (success, engagement - clarity). Close ended - we are expecting to do x with these people by x date - is that correct? 01:02:08 AK: what was the one in between? i think there were 3? 01:02:30 BB: Clarify with intermediate questions to define success, clarity, budget etc 01:02:36 AK: thanks! 01:02:53 Lauren Harris: human, operational, reputational, procedural, project-specific, financial, technical, natural, political, structural 01:03:30 KH: rain! 01:03:31 CM: too hot 01:03:45 JB: Pandemic lol 01:06:19 HB: In our group we have a probability vs risk chart still on the white board from just before the pandemic. Covid was listed as probability medium, and impact low :) 01:06:43 KH: Omg, HB 01:07:13 Lauren Harris: TAME Risk: Transfer – to a third party; Accept – acknowledge risk and deal with it Mitigate – lessen risk by reducing probability Eliminate – remove the risk 01:08:47 CH: How do you assess probability when you really don't know what it is? 01:10:14 AP: Our wedding venue said they'd never had rain for an August wedding, and then we became the first! In response to How much time does a manager spend on communication? 01:12:54 IP: a lot 01:12:55 CM: 90% 01:12:56 JV: 80% 01:12:57 BB: 75% 01:12:57 HB: 75% 01:12:57 AP: 75% 01:12:57 MG: 75 01:13:00 CH: 99% 01:13:01 AK: 50% 01:13:01 RC: for a true PM: 80% 01:14:09 AK: If you’re sharing the project management load it’d be less, but keeping track of someone else’s project management is hard 01:16:18 AK: would love to hear more about these tools and apps! 01:16:31 JV: Trello 01:16:31 HB: KanbanFlow 01:16:32 AK: Slack, google drive 01:16:35 IP: Google docs 01:16:35 CH: Basecamp 01:16:35 TM: trello 01:16:35 TA: Trello 01:16:37 RC: MS Project 01:16:37 EH: Trello 01:16:48 AK: Basecamp 01:18:28 KB: I have to leave for another meeting at 2pm - this is being recorded. Will the recording be shared with attendees and do you know when that will be available? 01:18:40 BB: Yes, it will be shared! 01:18:48 HB: I think we'll put the recording on the CIRES mentoring page 01:19:09 KB: Thank you! 01:19:22 IP: thank you , I will be leaving soon too. 01:21:11 AM: frequency 01:21:12 AK: rhythmn 01:21:12 CH: An interval 01:21:14 CH: pace 01:22:01 Lauren Harris: demonstrate respect, listen first, clarify expectations, practice accountability 01:24:10 HB: We called that the 3P's in our group. Progress, PLans, Problems 01:25:44 AS: can you speak to establishing team norms (when and how). this might be project-agnostic. 01:42:06 LH: Intent, facts, impact, action items, by when 01:42:10 LK: I’ve done that, it’s amazing! 01:42:25 SW: Is that in LinkedIn Learning? 01:43:03 AK: https://www.colorado.edu/hr/learning-development/open-enrollment 01:43:10 LK: Crucial conversations helped me professionally and personally. Super-super helpful. 01:43:56 SW: Thanks, A 01:48:53 BB: Please give us some feedback! https://cuboulder.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1XJz8cz9N3rt88e 01:49:28 BS: which Crucial Conversations do you recommend? There is one for “Mastering Dialogue” and one for “Accountability” 01:49:29 AS: Great mix and pacing of presentation and group activities, Lauren. I stayed present the entire time. Thank you! 01:49:48 BB: We will share the recording with everyone, and post it on the CIRES Mentoring Program website and InsideCIRES supervisor resources page. 01:49:56 LK: Thank you! 01:49:57 BS: how do we find the link for the full Project Management course? 01:49:58 TM: Thank you! 01:50:09 AK: Thank you for this! I definitely feel more prepared for the next time.. 01:50:34 Lauren Harris: Replying to "Great mix and pacing..." Thanks, Aaron! 01:50:39 JV: Thank you. Have to take a quick break before my next meeting in 3 min. 01:50:43 Lauren Harris: Replying to "Thank you!" Thank you! 01:50:45 HB: I think CIRES has a professional development fund folks can apply to for courses like this....I think 01:50:46 LS: Thank you! 01:51:00 Lauren Harris: Replying to "how do we find the l..." https://www.colorado.edu/hr/learning-development 01:51:20 KV: Thanks Lauren, and Bec too. 01:51:43 Lauren Harris: Replying to "Thank you!" Thank you! 01:51:50 Lauren Harris: Replying to "Thank you for this! ..." Excellent, Thanks! 01:51:57 Lauren Harris: Replying to "Thank you!" Thanks, Laura 01:52:04 Lauren Harris: Replying to "Thanks Lauren, and B..." Thank you, K! 01:52:04 RC: Thanks Lauren! 01:52:17 LH: Replying to "Thanks Lauren!"Thanks, R - good to see you again! 01:52:45 RC: Replying to "Thanks Lauren!" Likewise. Also, the handout is super helpful. I see myself using this in the future.